5,00 / Day

plus 19% VAT

Rental period

Determine start (pickup day) and end (return day).
The Warehouse opening times do you find here.

Clear dates

The calculation over several days is done using graduated factors.
For example, for 2 days only the factor 1.5 is charged.
From Saturday to Monday the weekend factor of 1.25 applies.

PAR-36 Pinspot

Der PAR36 Spot ist geeignet zur Ausleuchtung, z.B. von Tanzflächen, Partykellern, sowie zur gezielten Ausleuchtung von Gegenständen, wie z.B. Bildern, Figuren, Spiegelkugeln.


Leuchtmittel: 6 V / 30 W
Gesamtanschlusswert: 30 W
Wechselbare Farbkappen

Additional information
Weight1,2 kg
Dimensions16 × 12,5 × 12,5 cm

Lend? That's how it's done!

Here you will find the most important information about our rental service.


Connection diagrams

With the help of our connection plans, the technology can be wired in no time.
